How much money do you need for the rest of your life?

We all lead busy lives and time is our most valuable resource. But occasionally something interesting and possibly life changing is presented to us and is worthy of further investigation.

This maybe one of those times.

Over the years, I have discovered that the single most important financial aspiration, that I and Goldsmith Invest clients value the most, is our lifestyle. Many clients aspire to better their lifestyle and others are very happy just the way it is. But the predominant overriding factor is ‘no one wants a worse lifestyle then they currently have’.

Research shows that most people have no idea how much money they really need for the rest of their life. They may have income, assets, and investments but no idea what it all means, or what sort of financial future awaits.

If you feel like this, you are not alone.

The big question is:

Are you  going to ‘run out of money’, ‘have enough to do everything you want to do’, or simply ‘die with too much and gift it to the exchequer’?

Having an insight into how much you need can be enlightening. It can put you in control. Knowing how much is ‘Enough,’ will give you the freedom to live your life smarter and perhaps plan to do all the things you really want to do in life, without fear of ever running out of money.

After all, ‘Life is not a rehearsal’ it needs to be lived to the full and lived with no regrets.

We often spend so much time working or looking after the demands of others, that we rarely have the time to stop and question our own personal financial position, from a different perspective.

When was the last time you asked yourselves:

  • Can I afford to retire earlier then I planned, should I choose to do so?
  • How much capital and income will I need to protect my lifestyle pre- and post-retirement?
  • Will I be a strong enough financial position to enjoy the lifestyle I have become accustomed too, whatever happens?
  • Can I afford to spend my capital on my dream holiday, car, property?
  • Will my capital last longer than I will?

The question of how much you need to fund your lifestyle, and at what point on your timeline you choose to do the things you have always promised yourself and your family, needs careful financial planning.

Click the buttons below to see how you are doing in each of these areas

We have developed a service to help you define your financial well-being, helping you achieve your financial independence and offering you peace of mind. The service is called LifeStyle Choice.

Using LifeStyle Choice, we help you create your lifetime plan and confirm what is most important to you and your family. Our sophisticated software can then forecast your financial position at any point on your lifeline and create your very own blueprint. We then help you to implement your plan and ensure each year that you are on track to achieve the goals that you and your family aspire too.

Financial choices you have made in the past, have brought you to this moment in time. Financial decisions that you make from today, will lead you to your future lifestyle so please choose wisely…
Hannah Goldsmith

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Please feel free to download a copy of ‘Enough’ written by Paul Armson.

If his story resonates with you and you would like to know your ‘Enough’ please call to arrange a no obligation conversation.

Fill in the form to get your eBook.

Cards on the table time. I have a strong dislike for British financial services companies. Ever since the Equitable Life debacle I’ve viewed them all with huge scepticism. Recent experience has proved that nothing much has changed and that the entire industry is a self-serving shambles. Fortunately my point of view is supported by the author of this book. My dilemma is this: How do I make plans for my retirement without having to resort to a large financial services company that’s going to screw me for every £ I want to put aside for a rainy day?

To my delight, this book appears to understand my predicament. Not only am I understood, I’m catered for. Marvellous. I’m used to financial and investment texts being dry, boring and full of caveats. None of that appears in this book. It speaks in a language I can understand and it deals with things from my perspective. It seems to help that the author is almost as anti the financial establishment as I am.

As I skimmed through the book initially I found myself stopping for the little exercises – actually completing them – and then quietly realising that I had learned something not just new but extremely useful. I don’t think you can expect to get all the answers in a book of this size, but it certainly gives me the confidence and a basic understanding to take some steps towards getting this important life skill right.

Book Review