Achieving the greatest return on your investment

Whatever your reasons to invest, there’s one prominent reason that unites
investors the world over: achieving the greatest return on your investment,
within the risk parameters you are prepared to accept with your money.

However, within the traditional financial services industry, there are many
barriers that will stand in your way, reducing your chances of maximising your
investment return. Barriers that you may not have even realised were there,
such as financial service industry fees.

This is why we offer our unique, complimentary Second Opinion Service
where we analyse your current portfolio against 5 key investment areas;
outlining any areas where you may be able to achieve a greater return, as
well as areas where your portfolio may already be performing well.

Regarded as one of the most trusted voices in the financial services arena, Independent Financial Advisor, best selling author, and owner of Goldsmith Invest, Hannah Goldsmith, has over 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry; bringing investors to market in the most efficient and transparent ways possible, by offering personalised and innovative wealth management solutions. 

The benefits of getting a second opinion on your existing portfolio

The world is changing and it is imperative that we become more focused on creating financially efficient investment strategies. If we do, we can give ourselves the best chance possible, of creating additional wealth during our lifetimes. The SOS report is a perfect starting point and gives investors a firm foundation to build on.

Our Second Opinion Service (SOS) report is designed to help you get a better understanding of the real potential of your current portfolio and translates industry double speak into both factual and pictorial evidence.

By becoming aware of this information, you will be better placed to make a judgement on whether you have a financially efficient and transparent portfolio, best placed to deliver on your lifestyle expectations, or a portfolio that is creating negative drag and holding you back.

Who is our Second Opinion Report for?

Our Second Opinion Report is for you if:

  • You want to ensure you are maximising the return on your capital.
  • You feel your portfolio is not achieving the returns you expected.
  • You would like to maximise additional income in retirement.
  • You are not sure of the financial risk your managers are taking with your money.
  • Your priorities and/or lifestyle objectives have changed.

The Second Opinion Report will highlight these 5 key areas:

  • Risk
  • Diversification
  • Performance
  • Cost
  • Tax Efficiency

Take action today and request your complimentary Second Opinion Report.

Do you want to check your investments?

Fill in these simple details and we'll contact you to discuss your existing situation.

For over 8 years I have been advised by Hannah. The advice has been well thought through, appropriate to my circumstances and given in a straight forward manner. Options for investment have been offered, but decisions have been mine. Where the choices have proved not to have met expectations, the remedial action has been timely and sensible. Goldsmith Invest has worked well with my Accountants and Lawyers and kept investment Managers up to the mark. I would recommend Goldsmith Invest without hesitation.

Dr A V