golf day


A Charity Golf Day worth remembering

On a day of mixed English weather, Goldsmith Invest held a golf day in aid of the charity the Altzheimers Association.

Watch the short video below and you’ll see why a fantastic day was had by everyone (even the losers).

It’s no surprise that with the help of professionals like Jeramy Dale and Guvnor Media, Goldsmith’s managed to raise close to £1000, for a very important charity.

The two winners of the day will join Hannah Goldsmith and her ProAm team at the Oxfordshire, in August.


The author of this book explains that most financial advisers and institutions do not operate in the best interests of the clients, but to maximise their own profits through exorbitant fees. The actual percentage charged may appear relatively low but compounded can knock tens of thousands off your final pension fund.

Along the way you are likely to be taking unnecessary risks through the lack of diversification of your portfolio. Fund managers in their efforts to meet market indexes and targets end up adding more costs to their clients through regular transaction charges.

The book provides a number of practical illustrations of the effects of fees, transaction charges and risks on investors. Definitely a read for all investors not just company Directors.

Book Review