Retirement planning

Give me just 1 hour of your time and I will share with you the industries biggest secret. The problem is so endemic that the Regulator (The Financial Conduct Authority) has introduced yet more regulation in 2018 to force the Industry to respond. I will explain how Financial Advisors and Wealth Management companies legally take a huge chunk of your hard earned cash… without you even being aware of it and the effect this is having on your future wealth and therefore your future lifestyle.

Discover how to stop this from happening to you…

Join me for breakfast or afternoon tea at Williams Conference Centre in Grove and I will share powerful, practical, but little known concepts, tactics and strategies that you can apply to your money. My one hour Master Class uncovers the financial service industry’s best kept secret and we will end the Master Class with a private tour of the Grand Prix Collection.

The information I reveal may shock you… you may even find it disturbing, but if you recognise the importance of the information I share and relate it to your current financial situation, then I promises you will be in a position to create additional wealth for your long term future lifestyle. I have been in the financial services industry for 30 years and many consider me an investment visionary. I focus on providing consumer awareness seminars, helping investors with Pension, ISA and Investment portfolios to protect their savings from the wealth management companies, who are targeted to get funds under management and use your money to compensate their services, rather than provide you the investor, with the maximum market returns.

This year my book ‘Retire Faster’ was published and reached the top three on Amazon’s best seller list. I also reached the finals for ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ judged by Sir John Madejski and my practice; Goldsmith Invest won the 2017 NatWest Venus Award for “Best Small Business in the Thames Valley Region”.

To fast-track your place, click the link:

If you can’t attend this date, but would like to be kept informed of similar events in 2018 and stay in touch please let me know. We are here to help.

Thank you for considering my offer…


This is a case study I have taken from my book ‘Retire Faster’ for Company Directors available on Amazon.

As a business owner I would imagine that controlling costs are very important to you. Especially costs spent by those you employ. You probably have budgets that restrict their spend, but when it comes to managing your pension or investment portfolio’s, how much budgetary control do you have. Very little I would imagine. More to the point, how much is this lack of financial control costing you and what affect is it having on your long term financial wealth.

This case study is not unusual … in fact I would go as far as saying its standard practice. Read the case study and decide as a business owner what would you do?


Mr. K is a Business Owner with a Small Self-Administered Pension Scheme (SSAS) valued at £660,000. Mr. K asked us to carry out a wealth efficiency review on his pension arrangements as they had not been reviewed for a number of years. We found Mr. K was paying 4 levels of charges per year:

  • The Administrator of the SSAS who charged £650 + VAT
  • The Discretionary Fund Manager (DFM) who charged 0.65% + VAT + additional dealing fees
  • Annual Management Charges (AMC) of the funds purchased, in the region of 0.57%
  • The Financial Adviser who charged 0.5%

Although these charges initially appeared competitive, the actual charges appeared to be excessive. After further investigation we found that the DFM routinely sold parts of the funds held in the SSAS and bought similar stocks just to justify increasing the dealing charges.

We found that instead of selling just one fund (perhaps due to poor performance) and re buying another, partial sales of all the stocks took place (even though some had performed to expectations). We felt this practice was unusual because there was a £100,000 cash balance in the fund. These additional dealing fees added an extra £1,822 to the annual charges and we could find no justification (even re-balancing… adjusting the risk of the portfolio) as to why these transactions were made.

Therefore in monetary terms Mr. K was paying in the region of:

  • £780 to the SSAS Administrator
  • £5,148 to the DFM (adviser annual management charges)
  • £1,822 to the DFM (additional dealing fees)
  • £3,296 in fund annual management charges (AMC)
  • £3,300 to the IFA (who had not made contact for over two years)

Total charges for the fund management were in the region of £14,346 per year, equivalent to a reduction of 2.17% off Mr. K’s portfolio growth rate. This is about average for the industry.

We highlighted to Mr. K that using new technology he could reduce his fees to:

  • £780 to the same SSAS Administrator
  • £1,122 in fund annual management charges (AMC)
  • £3,300 to the IFA (if he chose to keep his current advisor)

 Total charges £5,202 per year, equivalent to a reduction of 0.78% off his portfolio growth rate. That is a saving of £9,144 per year.

The best way of seeing the effects of high charges on Mr. K’s portfolio is to project the future value of his fund at a growth rate of 5% per year, over a period of 25 years. We can then apply the different charging structures of 2.17% on his original portfolio and the 0.78% on the proposed portfolio and note the difference in projected fund values. It is important to note, that we are not stating that the new portfolio will perform any better or any worse than the existing portfolio, but we are purely looking at the effects of charges.

The cash flow analysis showed a positive difference of £586,000 by using the proposed proposition, which also gave Mr. K access to a low risk globally balanced portfolio holding over 5,375 stocks.

What would you do with an extra £586,000 in your pension fund or investment portfolio?

More to the point, Mr K employed these discretionary fund managers to do a job for him. Not content with their quoted fees, additional fees were taken (which as discretionary advisers they are entitled to do under their terms of contract) but their actions were equivalent to them dipping their hands into Mr K’s till at a rate of £64 per day over and above what we would term necessary.

As a business owner what would you do if this was happening to you… are you sure its not happening to you? …  is it worth a conversation?

Ironically Mr K runs a security company… sometimes you just have to smile….


When I talk about performance of pension funds or investment portfolios, investors will get very defensive about their wealth managers.  It is almost as though they want to defend their personal decisions to work with their particular financial organisation, even though at the time they did not fully understand or were fully aware of the costs that would be sucked out of their investment.

I am often told that “I am very happy with the returns that I am making on my money,” which raises the question; “I am sure you are, but if you could have had an extra profit of tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds or millions of pounds, would you not have been even happier?”  This question of complacency is extremely interesting. It appears that if an investor is getting an acceptable return on their money, they are not particularly concerned with how much of their wealth they are giving away unnecessarily. Why is this?

Is it anxiety, fear, doubt or just not wanting to show a lack of understanding of the financial world. What ever it is that is stopping investors from caring about their money, there must become a point when you say ‘STOP’.

Conventional wealth management institutions have internal systems set up to deliver a particular service and they will much prefer that the status quo prevails, as it is more profitable to them and their shareholders. Why would you expect them to keep you informed of new financial opportunities which exist outside of their organisation? Why would they provide you with an opportunity to move your money to a competitor at their expense, even if it was in your best financial interest? These corporate entities are in business to maximise shareholder value and get rewarded for doing so. They are not in the game to make sure that each investors financial outcomes are catered for, that’s the investor’s problem and if the investor has not considered all the facts, that’s not the corporate’s responsibility.

Let’s not kid ourselves here in the real world, Banks, Discretionary Fund Managers and Wealth Management Companies are in one business and one business only. They are targeted to grow their client bases and to increase funds under management regardless of charges or performance. It is therefore really important for the investor to take back control of their money and ensure that their portfolio costs are kept to the bare minimum. The fee you pay your financial adviser is for the personal service and help that you receive in constructing and managing your portfolio, so this aspect of the fee is not in dispute.

But how much do you give away unnecessarily each year?

Let us look as this example of  investors with various degrees of wealth, which they invest in Company A charging the industry average of 2.2%  and Company B charging 1.1%. Both companies average 5% growth per year over 25 years and lets look at how performance and compound interest impacts on your long term wealth.

Amount of investment Company A 2.2% fees Company B 1.1% fees Profit being wasted
£100,000 £206,436 £274,316 £67,880
£250,000 £516,091 £685,790 £169,699
£500,000 £1,032,181 £1,371,587 £339,406
£1,000,000 £2,064,623 £2,743,161 £678,799
£10,000,000 £20,643,623 £27,431,615 £6,787,992

Take a moment to consider how much money you have invested in your pension and investment portfolio and ask yourself why are you wasting so much profit unnecessarily.

What would happen if  investors suddenly realised they could still get the same financial return on their money, still have the same consumer protection and still have the backing of global Institutional investment companies, but pay less in investment and management charges for this comparable service. Would these investors still want to leave their capital in these supposedly safe hands of the traditional investment world?

What if by moving their capital and reducing these fees investors could do the following?

  • Afford the holiday home they had always dreamed of.
  • Could comfortably afford exotic holidays every year.
  • Receive additional income, to live their life without fear of ever running out of money.
  • Could set aside a nest egg in case additional care was needed in later life.
  • Could pass on this additional wealth to their beneficiaries.

This would be additional spending money. This is using money that is currently and unnecessarily funding the financial services industry. So if you really care about your money and would like to consider creating more wealth… stop worrying about your financial future and start planning what you will spend it on.

Now is a very important time in history, where individuals need to take notice of what is happening around them in the financial world, should they wish to acquire additional wealth and have the option to retire faster. Government lending is at an all-time high, the Banks have been given a crutch by the Government, the Bank of England (BOE) has reduced interest rates to an all-time low, Quantitative Easing and austerity cuts look as though they may be here for many years to come, pension schemes remain underfunded and we are now all living longer. On top of all this we now have Brexit and I have to ask the question ‘what have you and your financial adviser done to hedge your pension and investment portfolio against the UK’s exit from Europe’?

It’s frightening to think about what the future holds, with economies, cultures and technology changing at the rate it has over the last decade, it seems almost impossible to imagine what the world will look like as we arrive at the later stages of our life. But we can give ourselves a helping hand if we act quickly enough and reclaim our personal power from the financial services institutions.

Creating sufficient wealth over our working lifetime will enable us to have choices in later life. Being dependent on others in the future, I do not believe, will be a happy place. The question is “how do we create additional wealth without putting additional pressure on our current expenditure?” With low interest rates and mediocre investment returns, creating additional wealth is becoming more difficult. However, suppose I could show you how to create additional wealth from the money you have already accumulated to date. No additional expenditure required, but a very favourable outcome.

Many investors concentrate their portfolio in their home stock market and in some cases they only hold a small group of stocks. This is often a common occurrence when people have bought shares because of Utility or Bank offers or inherited a share portfolio from their parents or a relative and feel obliged not to cash them in and take the proceeds. Many company directors working for larger organisations also have large shareholdings, often in share incentive schemes and due to a sense of loyalty, find it difficult to sell the stock when it’s a good financial decision to do so. There is often an emotion attachment which is difficult to shift.

Limiting one’s investment universe to a handful of stocks, or even one stock market, is a concentrated strategy with possible risk and return implications. Consider the analogy of the roulette wheel. If you want to gamble for the highest odds you place your chips on a single number and if you are successful you win big. Likewise you could spread your chips around single numbers on the table (not to dissimilar to the retail unit trust fund managers or buying individual stocks and shares) and hope that the odds on the numbers that win are more substantial than the losses that did not.

Alternatively you could gamble by spreading the risk in your supposed favour by betting on red or black and get offered even returns by the house (or by using in-house managed funds). But it’s not the 50:50 odds you would expect. The wheel is always in favour of the house therefore by betting on red or black you will have an 18/38 chance of winning 47.37%, with the house winning 52.63%. This is again similar to active fund managers, even if they do outperform the benchmark, the additional charges incurred will most likely, over the longer term, reduce the return to below the benchmark. The question is, does investing with active management make a substantial difference to your return or is it just gambling with your money?  It is worth remembering that while a betting system may sound like a good idea, over time, they have been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt to be losing plays.

The media is full of experts predicting which markets are going to perform best over the forthcoming months and years, so investors by listening to this noise, quite often form a biased opinion of what’s going to happen next. If they decide to follow up this prediction with action and buy or sell stock to put themselves in a financial position to take advantage of this prediction, they are gambling not investing. The financial professional may make a prediction because they want to appear on some form of media commentary, or to advertise their company or make some noise with their prediction because they would like some personal acknowledgement. However, if it all goes wrong, which it does, the consequences have to be faced. I believe making predictions is foolhardy, because any amendment to political, global currency fluctuation or investor sentiment will see all bets fall out of the window and who can control such changes.

If I am ever asked ‘which financial sectors should I buy next, to get the best return on my investments?’, I often in the nicest possible way, have to refer to my lack of crystal ball reading skills and point out that no one knows with any degree of certainty. Even if a commentator calls the markets correctly, you still have to ask was it skill or just random luck. Even the most powerful professionals in the world of finance make these predictions and call it wrong big time, with huge global consequences.

So, why try and predict outcomes not under your control. Ask yourself “why would you pay somebody, who said that they can predict what is going to happen next?” and perhaps worse, why would you believe them if they said they could. According to Google, there are 1.2 million fortune tellers (or people suggesting that they can predict your future) appearing on their site, and without checking them all, I would expect a financial fee to be passed across their palms before they tell you about your long healthy lifespan and future search for love. Perhaps some may say we should add fund managers to this list.

A good question to ask yourself is: “would you pay a fortune teller to predict your financial future?”   If not why are you paying your fund manager?

The financial services world is not always as it seems. Wealth that belongs to you, is systematically being taken from your pension and investment accounts unnecessarily, transferring your wealth from you, to the financial services industry in the name of active management (I call this guessing or gambling). I believe now is the time to stand up to the industry and take back power and have control of your money.

My book ‘Retire Faster’ available  on Amazon will guide you through the investment jungle, where currently, the investor is the prey. I will show you how to become the hunter and demonstrate to you, that there is another way to create wealth. A way that allows investors the opportunity to achieve greater financial efficiency, greater independence and a more profitable return, whilst enjoying a much more transparent and consistent investment experience.

The question is, do you want to continue to gamble with your retirement fund, or invest it efficiently?


There has never been such an important time in history, when individuals have to begin to take notice of what is happening around them in the financial world, if they want to retire faster. Government lending is at an all-time high, the Banks have been given a crutch by the Government, the Bank of England (BOE) has reduced interest rates to an all-time low, Quantitative Easing and austerity cuts look as though they may be here for many years to come, pension schemes remain underfunded and we are now all living longer. On top of all this we now have Brexit and I have to ask the question “what have you and your financial adviser done to hedge your pension and investment portfolio against the UK’s exit from Europe”?

It’s frightening to think about what the future holds, with economies, cultures and technology changing at the rate it has over the last decade, it seems almost impossible to imagine what the world will look like as we arrive at the later stages of our life. But we can give ourselves a helping hand if we act quickly enough and reclaim our personal power from these financial institutions. Creating sufficient wealth over our working lifetime, will enable us to have choices in later life. Being dependent on others in the future I do not believe will be a happy place. The question is ‘how do we create additional wealth without putting additional pressure on our current expenditure?’ With low interest rates and mediocre investment returns, creating additional wealth is becoming more difficult. However, suppose I could show you how to create additional wealth from the money you have already accumulated to date. No additional expenditure but a very favorable outcome.

Company Directors have the opportunity to control their wealth more than others. In order to be successful in business, it helps to be open to new ideas and strategies.

The same applies to your retirement strategy.  You must be prepared to unlearn what many have been “sold” by the financial institutions, the media and the government.

My book ‘Retire Faster’ challenges you to think a little differently about concepts of finance that you have grown up with and view as the norm. I will share with you why the financial services world is not always as it seems. Wealth that belongs to you, is systematically being taken from your pension and investment accounts unnecessarily, transferring your wealth from you to the financial services industry. I believe now is the time to stand up to the industry and take back power and control of your money. ‘Retire Faster’ will guide you through the investment jungle where currently the investor is the prey and I will show you that there is another way to create wealth, a way that allows investors the opportunity to achieve greater financial efficiency, independence and investment returns, whilst enjoying a much more transparent and consistent investment experience.

My promise with this book is not just to educate you about the financial markets and financial institutions. No, it goes much deeper than that.

My promise is to share powerful, practical, but little known concepts, tactics and strategies that you can apply in your life today in order to give you the retirement plan you want.

Some say that knowledge is power.  I think that “applied knowledge” is power.

Just reading the book is not enough.

You need to take action, and take control of your hard earned finances that others are currently managing on your behalf.  The information I share in ‘Retire Faster’ may shock you. Some readers may even find it disturbing. However, if you recognise the importance of what I share, relate it to your current financial situation, assimilate and apply the advice I offer, then I promise you can (and will) retire faster instead of remaining at the hands of the wolves and other parties who are only interested in themselves and their financial gain from your hard earned savings..


Now, let’s make retiring faster your best lifestyle choice this year.

Hannah Goldsmith

October, 2016



Hannah is possibly the most knowledgeable person I have ever come across when it comes to financial investment advice. Her clear explanations of the options available made the choices a lot easier!

I am confident that my money has been invested with the correct amount of risk for me and I will not hesitate to recommend Goldsmith Invest.

Mr B Wilkinson