”How do we create additional wealth, so we can retire faster”?

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There has never been such an important time in history, when individuals have to begin to take notice of what is happening around them in the financial world, if they want to retire faster. Government lending is at an all-time high, the Banks have been given a crutch by the Government, the Bank of England (BOE) has reduced interest rates to an all-time low, Quantitative Easing and austerity cuts look as though they may be here for many years to come, pension schemes remain underfunded and we are now all living longer. On top of all this we now have Brexit and I have to ask the question “what have you and your financial adviser done to hedge your pension and investment portfolio against the UK’s exit from Europe”?

It’s frightening to think about what the future holds, with economies, cultures and technology changing at the rate it has over the last decade, it seems almost impossible to imagine what the world will look like as we arrive at the later stages of our life. But we can give ourselves a helping hand if we act quickly enough and reclaim our personal power from these financial institutions. Creating sufficient wealth over our working lifetime, will enable us to have choices in later life. Being dependent on others in the future I do not believe will be a happy place. The question is ‘how do we create additional wealth without putting additional pressure on our current expenditure?’ With low interest rates and mediocre investment returns, creating additional wealth is becoming more difficult. However, suppose I could show you how to create additional wealth from the money you have already accumulated to date. No additional expenditure but a very favorable outcome.

Company Directors have the opportunity to control their wealth more than others. In order to be successful in business, it helps to be open to new ideas and strategies.

The same applies to your retirement strategy.  You must be prepared to unlearn what many have been “sold” by the financial institutions, the media and the government.

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My book ‘Retire Faster’ challenges you to think a little differently about concepts of finance that you have grown up with and view as the norm. I will share with you why the financial services world is not always as it seems. Wealth that belongs to you, is systematically being taken from your pension and investment accounts unnecessarily, transferring your wealth from you to the financial services industry. I believe now is the time to stand up to the industry and take back power and control of your money. ‘Retire Faster’ will guide you through the investment jungle where currently the investor is the prey and I will show you that there is another way to create wealth, a way that allows investors the opportunity to achieve greater financial efficiency, independence and investment returns, whilst enjoying a much more transparent and consistent investment experience.

My promise with this book is not just to educate you about the financial markets and financial institutions. No, it goes much deeper than that.

My promise is to share powerful, practical, but little known concepts, tactics and strategies that you can apply in your life today in order to give you the retirement plan you want.

Some say that knowledge is power.  I think that “applied knowledge” is power.

Just reading the book is not enough.

You need to take action, and take control of your hard earned finances that others are currently managing on your behalf.  The information I share in ‘Retire Faster’ may shock you. Some readers may even find it disturbing. However, if you recognise the importance of what I share, relate it to your current financial situation, assimilate and apply the advice I offer, then I promise you can (and will) retire faster instead of remaining at the hands of the wolves and other parties who are only interested in themselves and their financial gain from your hard earned savings..


Now, let’s make retiring faster your best lifestyle choice this year.

Hannah Goldsmith

October, 2016



“Do you know how much your financial adviser is charging you? Probably not, they don’t tell you upfront, you’ll be surprised. Does your financial advisor truly invest in the global market or is he too heavy in funds in Europe and the UK? Many are. Does he rely on fund managers trying to predict the future with the stock they choose? Probably, no-one can predict the future.

Hannah has a different approach to wealth management. By investing predominantly in the pan global passive fund market she can charge significantly less than the typical financial advisor (the compounded savings are considerable) and still make a competitive or better return. Buy this book, it’s probably the wisest investment you will ever make.“

Book Review